Laura Blanchard

About Me
My husband and I are originally from Massachusetts and have moved a number of times over the years due to his job. Four years ago we moved to this area to be near our daughter and her family. We have two granddaughters in Naperville and two grandsons and a granddaughter near Washington, DC.
I have been a sewer my whole life and made my first quilt in 1977 while waiting for my first child to be born. We had just been transferred to Maine and knew no one. I saw a pattern for a log cabin quilt in Women's Day magazine and decided to give it a try. Using cardboard templates and scissors (and, probably fabric from Jo Ann's), I made a Queen size quilt for our bed. I don't remember how I quilted or bound it and am not sure if I sewed 1/4" seams.
I didn't become a "real" quilter until 1987 when we moved to Columbus, OH. Soon after moving there I began taking quilting classes at the local quilt shop. After the first class I was hooked and continued to take many more. In 1997 we moved to the Richmond, VA area where I worked in a quilt shop and taught classes. Because so many of the customers were becoming new grandmas, the owners of the shop asked me to design baby quilts. Soon after, I was given the opportunity to design quilts for a number of fabric companies and still do so to this day. I have been a pattern designer for almost 20 years and my pattern company is Plum Tree Quilts ( My designs range from traditional to modern and are intended for quilters of all levels.
I love the quilt-making journey - from choosing fabrics, to cutting, pinning, pressing, assembly and binding. But I let Bob take care of the quilting! I do quilt some of my quilts with the walking foot (I love Jacquie Gering and her walking foot techniques) and have dabbled with ruler quilting (Valli's class is excellent!). Some of my favorite quilts to make are Feathered Stars and quilts with curves. As a teacher, I love to teach and reinforce good technique and show students how to trouble shoot when a problem arises.
I'm a member of Pride of the Prairie Quilters and Faithful Circle. Joining the guilds has been a great way to make friends.
My husband and I live in Oswego and enjoy traveling, reading, trying new restaurants and getting together with friends.