Vintage Extravaganza Sale
The Quilters Quest Leprechauns will be busy getting ready for March 17th!
This unique one-day vintage pop-up shop will provide something special for every quilter!
Over many years, the premier fabric designers, Paul Pilgrim and Gerald Roy, produced 5 lines of reproduction fabric. The remains of their personal, first-run, high quality bolts in brilliant colors will be sold in 1 yard, 1/2 yard and fat quarter pieces, totaling over 700 yards at $10 per yard. Some color ways are very limited!
The 100% cotton fabric collections included are:
- Pilgrim/Roy - a collection of 1880's reproduction prints (P&B Textiles)
- Alhambra - a fabric collection inspired by 1870's fine furnishings (P&B Textiles)
- Regency Dandy - a collection of 1810 reproduction fabrics based on Jane Austin era fabrics and wallpapers (Windham Fabrics)
- Graphic Expressions - a collection of 1900 reproduction prints (Windham Fabrics)
- Retro - a collection of 1890s reproduction prints (P&B Textiles)
Gerald Roy has taught his "Women's Work" lecture for AQS for more than 25 years, showing antique tops from New England and the Midwest. This lecture sells out every year. Nearly 60 tops from his collection are included in this one time sales opportunity for this area.
As a long time collector, Gerald is also parting with his Victorian lace collection. Nearly a mile of lace, in pieces varying from 6" to 12 yards will be available for your selection.
And, don't forget the Pilgrim/Roy collection of antique blocks, fabrics and scraps—five large bins! Over 700 pieces will be included. Items date from 1800 to 1940. You can make your own antique quilt!
In 2014, the Quilts and Color exhibit of Pilgrim/Roy antique quilts appeared at the Boston Museum of Fine Art bringing in the largest attendance for an exhibit in museum history. This is the first time antique quilts have been displayed as art in an international gallery. The majority of the Pilgrim/Roy quilt collection is now owned by the museum and is traveling around the world.
For many years, Gerald Roy's "This Old Quilt" articles in For the Love of Quilting Magazine have been a popular feature. Now continued in Quiltmania, they provide a perspective on how antique quilts and tops can still inspire us today. As one of the founders of the American Quilters Society program for quilt appraiser certification, he has educated thousands of collectors, historians and appraisers.
This unique sale is your opportunity to own samples from their expert eye for color, quality and quilt history.
Our own teacher, Chris Moline has brought this collection to Quilter's Quest from Gerald Roy's studio in New Hampshire. This is the largest selection of these items available anywhere. When it is gone, there is no more!